Many people underestimate the harmfulness of synthetic rodenticides and they neglect to try natural rodenticides. Natural repellents have been looked down on for many years due to their failure in the past. However, with the growing technology, the effectiveness of natural rodenticides also grew.
What makes synthetic rodenticides harmful?
The intent of rodenticides is to eliminate their target through any means. Be it natural or synthetic, rodenticides affect every living organism. Synthetic rodenticides are developed using chemicals. These chemicals either have rodent-repelling properties or rodent killing properties. Every synthetic rodenticide is harmful for human consumption. It is neither pet-safe nor child-safe if your pet or child inhales the fumes of synthetic rodenticides, it will cause them great harm.
Synthetic Rodenticides are also not eco-friendly. This means that if you were to place them in the pots of your plants, they would hinder the growth of your plants. The soil which has been contaminated by synthetic rodenticides is contaminated forever. The reusability of that soil diminishes. If the synthetic rodenticides were to contaminate the water, that water body will become toxic, therefore, will kill any marine life within it.

Many people are led to believe that if you were to place synthetic pesticides on a platter that doesn’t make contact with soil they would be on the safe, however logical that might sound, that is not the case. If a rat that has been poisoned dies in a water body or on soil which is being used to grow plants, it would contaminate the water and soil. Birds that feed on the rat that has died due to poison, would also die. However, synthetic rodenticides are very effective but also come with the ability to destroy entire ecosystems.
Synthetic pesticides, since they are toxic in nature, tend to produce fumes. These fumes are deadly and should not be inhaled. Therefore, using certain synthetic pesticides are dangerous to be used indoors.
Natural Rodenticides
Natural rodenticides are derived from essential oils. These essential oils are made using plants and trees which have rodent-repelling or killing properties. These are a few plants that have rodent repellent or killing properties – marigolds, rosemary, peppermint, lavender, onions, garlic, daffodils, sage, cayenne, black pepper, and tomatoes. The essential oils which are made using these plants are considered as rodent repellents.
Natural Rodenticides are eco-friendly. Unlike synthetic rodenticides, natural rodenticides do not harm the environment around them. Due to their eco-friendly nature, you can directly place them in plant pots and not worry about the growth of your plants.
Natural does not always mean safe. Sometimes natural rodenticides tend to be deadly as well, therefore, you will need to make sure that your product specifically mentions that it is safe.
Pesto Rodent Repellent Granules by MDX Concepts are one of a kind natural rodent repellent. This product is specifically pet safe and child safe. This one of a kind rodent repellent granule also does not produce any harmful fumes, therefore, it is perfectly safe to be used indoors. One of the major drawbacks that people face whilst implementing natural rodent repellents is that they are short them and have complex procedures. This, however, has been dealt with an innovative way by MDX Concepts. In their Pesto rodent repellent, their advanced formula allocates them a full year of rodent repellent effects and all you need to do is sprinkle these granules and your treatment is set.