The mattresses ensure comfortable sleep of the people lying on the beds. As everyone wants to have sound sleep at nights, the requirement of most suitable mattress is an important factor for making a person fully relaxed while sleeping on the bed. However, the buyers need to know exactly what type of bed mattress is the fittest for them and their family members, as the mattresses are now available in quite a good numbers of varieties in the market. The matter is more complicated when someone wants to replace old worn-out mattress with a new variety that will be even better than the previous one.

Bed Mattress
Different types of bed mattresses widely favoured
# Innerspring mattress
This type of mattress is the most widely used variety provided with rows of springs inside the padding of the mattress, which is then covered by the fabric used for this upholstery. These springs are actually steel coils well protected by the thick wrappings around them, or may be connected to a single unit of coil to prevent detachment under pressure. Thus, it is the most durable and cheapest type of bed mattress available till now.

Innerspring Mattress
# Memory foam mattress
This variety of mattress contains a thick layer of disco elastic, foam like material throughout its length, which is sensitive to the changes in temperatures. The best part about this mattress is that the total body weight is uniformly distributed over this highly comfortable bed, justifying its expensive price. Hence, it is a perfect choice for the people suffering from any type of body ache and this mattress becomes softer due to the warmth of the body, inducing better sleep to the user.

Memory Foam Mattress
# Pocket spring mattress
In this particular variety of mattress, the springs or the open steel coils are placed inside some tightly stitched pockets, which are made of the fabric used for covering the mattress. This is similar in function to the innerspring mattress, but this mattress is more of a supportive nature. Hence, it is available in much lesser cost than the memory foam mattress.

Pocket Spring Mattress
# Hybrid mattress
This is a wonderful mixture of all the latest technologies useful for inducing sound sleep to a person. It contains the pocketed springs for easy transfer of the motion of turning around on bed, as well as the layers of memory foam to make the body weight uniform all over the bed and keeps the body warmer while sleeping.

Hybrid Mattress
# Latex mattress
In this type, the core of the mattress is totally made of multiple layers of latex, which has the bouncy property like the springs. The average price of this bed mattress is reasonable due to its high durability. It cannot be easily damaged even on extensive stretching or pressurizing on it. However, the latex layers help to provide relief to the pressure exerted on the hip region, lower back and the shoulders. Thus, reducing the existing pain on these body parts.

Latex Mattress
# Gel mattress
Here, gel layers cover the foam inside the mattress over it, as the gel has the ability to provide extra comfort and reduces the body heat while sleeping. The gel layer may also be present just below the upholstery fabric covering the whole mattress.

Gel Mattress
# Air mattress
The mattress of this kind is popular for the use of inert air in its interior air chamber, which is made secure with comfortable padding and upholstery fabric. This mattress is adequately firm in nature for holding the total body weight of the person lying over it.

Air Mattress
These mattresses are useful for inducing the best sleep while lying on any type of bed and look great in the bedrooms.