You are ready to buy a home in the Camarillo area. Let’s not be too hasty, though. Before you type “realtor Camarillo” into whatever search engine you use, you should have some questions in mind.

What Is the Risk of Natural Disaster?

Yes, you might see a home for a great price. The question that you need to ask yourself is, “Why is it priced at that level?” Is there something that you should worry about?

There are some places in California where you might have to be ready for earthquakes. Coastal places have to monitor the weather for possibly dangerous ocean waves. Ask these questions before you buy.

Buying a House

Are There Any Hazards in the House?

You want to have a thorough inspection of the house before you buy it. It’s important that you don’t buy a home that has had issues with lead paint or radon, for example. The last thing you want is a health issue just from living there.

The above issues are very important if the place has been built before 1978. There has to be disclosures about that. Ask for them.

How Old Is the Roof?

One of the top priorities is to have a stable roof over your head – literally. The last thing you want is to have to fix an old roof. Make sure that the roof is newer or is repaired.

This can even be used when it comes to negotiating prices. The seller can repair the roof or deduct what you would have to pay to have it fixed. Be very firm with this.

What About the Appliances?

You really don’t want to buy a home where the appliances were last updated when Ronald Reagan was serving his first term as President. It’s important to have more modern appliances – they will both look and work better. Take a look around the home.

If you notice that the HVAC and other appliances are old, see if you can get them to lower the price by the amount that it would cost to replace them. Your realtor can help you here.

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you are buying a home. This includes also finding about the cost of utilities, whether there are things like washing machines and refrigerators, and whether any renovations have been done. All of these can wind up costing your money.

If you ask these questions, you greatly improve your chances of getting the most for your money with your new home. Enjoy.