Oil painting reproduction adds an artistic charm to homes, offices, and art galleries. Oil painting reproductions are replicas of paintings crafted by top art professionals and renowned painters through oil paints.

Be it Vincent Van Gogh’s, Starry Night or Leonardo da Vinci’s, Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, oil painting reproductions make the best classic impressions for the admirers of vintage art.

Oil Painting

Ever wondered, how to choose oil painting reproduction? A museum-quality oil painting reproduction can be purchased by keeping in mind a lot of factors like price, framing, delivery cost, painting value, etc. Here is a brief guide that will allow people who have ardent desires to buy oil paintings online.

Requirements for Plot and Genre

Plot and Genre

One should not buy reproductions only because they are trendy or handcrafted by a renowned artist. Always go for a plot or a genre based on your own preferences and likings. These paintings should appeal to oneself, inculcate feelings of happiness and positivity once you look at these at a glance.

On a general basis, one should look for eye-soothing, positive and radiant paintings showcasing nature’s beauty, modern art, and vibrant colors. If the reproduction’s selection goes wrong, for example, if one goes for Edward Munch’s The Scream, which is a widely praised masterpiece that depicts a modern man preoccupied with the existential crisis.

Hence, if anyone looks at the painting every morning after waking up it arises emotions of depression and sadness, which don’t follow up the ideas of being lively and joyous.

Tips to Choose Oil Painting Reproductions

Make sure to follow the below-listed tips before investing a hefty amount for these oil paintings reproduction. They should be value for money.

A Balance of Quality and Price

Remember” Don’t pay peanuts along with that Don’t pay over the odds”. The nature of oil paints and the canvas determines the quality of a painting. Make sure that these elements are lasting enough serving good quality with customized budgets.

Reproductions are not always of high quality and similar to the originals. It is obvious that no two paintings can be entirely the same. So before buying a reproduction, it is suggested to compare it with the original photograph by the artist’s own work. Give it a thumbs up, only if they look alike when put together.

Collecting The Right Artwork


Don’t buy anything unnecessarily just because it’s famous, trendy, or promotional. Be selective in choosing the reproductions and learn the difference between art originals, prints, and oil reproductions.

The most important thing is to master the learning of “how to spot fake artworks” as there is an ample amount of copies available online and in the markets. Collect facts about different reproductions by researching through online resources or discuss them with people who are fond of collecting artworks.

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Preferences and Choices


Blend preferences and choices according to personal wishes and desires. And not with paintings of value that will make wise investments every time. Binge on favorite artists and themes that will match imaginations of interior, decor, and outlook of an art gallery.

The reproduction purchased must be appealing and enlighten the sparks of joyfulness and give peace of mind. If it’s only for investment, then it would end up being hung anywhere in one corner.

Material Used

The French quality materials used for reproductions including oil paints and canvas are considered longer-lasting than usual ones. Formulated with a thermoplastic binder, these materials are designed to absorb shocks, withstand abrasions and deformations of the canvas. Not only this it limits the risks of cracking and protects the paintings to withstand undesirable mishaps with water, breakage, etc. Nevertheless, before spending blindly on art reproductions, one pro tip is to check and research the materials used in its making.

Know About the Seller


Before making any sort of transaction, make sure that the seller with whom art reproduction is purchased is trustworthy. Try to contact previous customers if possible. If the purchase is through online mode, ensure that the seller provides plenty of information about their products and services, their shipping and return policy, the refund policy, and travel expenditures if any.

Oil Painting Reproduction Framing and Care

Reproductions have an extra two inches of blank canvas on either side of the canvas to provide safety. Never apply wet sprays while dusting the oil painting or its frame. A feather duster can be used for removing the dust particles instead. Do not hang the painting in front of sunlight to avoid fading. If the art reproduction has a thick layer of paint just like the classic oil paintings of Van Gogh, Cezanne, then please be careful to not touch the painting’s surface for at least a month after delivery.


Collecting art reproductions is a passion for a lot of people out there, but spending blindly on these can be a bit risky. The above-mentioned tips and tricks will help the art lover buy oil paintings online wisely.